2023 “Paula Vogel.” The Routledge Anthology of Women’s Theatre Theory and Dramatic Criticism. Eds. Catherine Burroughs and J. Ellen Gainor. Routledge, 2023.
2023 Excerpt Editor. “‘Excerpt from ‘An Interview with Paula Vogel’ by Victoria Myers from The Interval.” The Routledge Anthology of Women’s Theatre Theory and Dramatic Criticism. Eds. Catherine Burroughs and J. Ellen Gainor. Routledge, 2023.
2023 “Embodying History: Casting Holocaust Drama in Academic Settings.” Women, Theatre, and the Holocaust, 5th Edition. Editors Rochelle G. Saidel and Karen Shulman. Remember the Women Institute, 2023, 145-149.
2022 Co-Author. “Call Against Critical Bias.” HowlRound Theatre Commons: Essays and Conversations from the First Ten Years (2011-2020). HowlRound Theatre Commons, 2022.
2020 “Directing Performances of Germaine Tillion’s In the Underworld: A Personal Essay” Bamah:
Israeli Performing Arts Journal. 286 (Winter 2020): 290-295. [translated into Hebrew by Bamah]
2019 “Lysistrata, #MeToo, and Consent: A Case Study.” Theatre Topics 29.3 (November 2019): 183-196.
*Cited in:
Footnotes’ “Priestesses and the Intersection of Gender, Religion, and Power in Classical
Athens” (4.8.21)
Socially Minded Theatre: When Verbatim Theatre and the #MeToo Movement Intersect
(doctoral thesis, 2022)
2017 Co-Author. “A Collective Call Against Critical Bias.” HowlRound. 26 June 2017.
*Most read article on HowlRound in 2017
*Cited in:
Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Plays by Women (Michigan UP 2021)
The New York Times’ “When Women Won’t Accept Theatrical Manspreading” (7.17.17)
American Theatre’s “Offscript: Programming Diversely with Josh Hecht” (July 2017)
American Theatre’s “Meet Sara Holdren, Theatre Critic and Theatremaker” (July 2017)
2016 “Paula Vogel.” Rev. of Paula Vogel by Joanna Mansbridge. Modern Drama. 59.2 (Summer 2016): 256-258.
2015 “Directing Performances of Germaine Tillion’s In the Underworld.” Women, Theatre, and the Holocaust. Editors Rochelle G. Saidel and Karen Shulman. (New York: Remember the Women Institute, 2015. 62-64).
*Essay & production cited in:
Chanter, Rire et Résister à Ravensbrück. Autour de Germaine Tillion et du Verfügbar aux Enfers (Le Genre Humaine, Seuil, May 2018)
Revue musicale OICRM’s “Le Verfügbar aux Enfers: Études et mises en scène contemporaines” (May 2016)
Women Arts’ “A New Guide to Holocaust Plays By & About Women” (9.22.16)
HuffPost’s“Recognizing Yom HaShoah with Women, Theater and Resistance to the Holocaust” (4.23.17)
2014 “Casting as Queer Dramaturgy: A Case Study of Sarah Ruhl’s Adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s Orlando.” Theatre Topics (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. 167-174).
*Cited in:
Queer/Adaptation: A Collective of Critical Essays (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019)
Contemporary Revolutions: Turning Back to the Future in 21st-Century Literature and
Art (Bloomsbury, 2018)
The Routledge Companion to Adaptation (Routledge, 2018)
Theatre Topics’ “But Do We Have Actors for That?: Some Principles of Practice for Staging Latinx Plays in a University Theatre Context” (March 2017)
Cultural Intertexts’ “The Politics of Gender and the Manipulation of Meaning in Sarah Ruhl’s Orlando” (2016)
2014 “O&A Family: Meghan Brodie, editor, collaborator.” Add Verb Productions Website: News & Blog (
2014 “An Out & Allied DIY.” Out & Allied: An Anthology of Performance Pieces Written by LGBTQ Youth and Allies, Volume 2. (Portland: Add Verb Publications, University of New England, 2014. 205-207, 212).
2014 “Havarti & Pistachios, a one-act play.” Out & Allied: An Anthology of Performance Pieces Written by LGBTQ Youth and Allies, Volume 2. (Portland: Add Verb Publications, University of New England, 2014. 208-2011).
2011 “The Power of the Post Show Discussion.” Out & Allied: An Anthology of Performance Pieces Written by LGBTQ Youth and Allies, Volume 1. (Portland: Add Verb Publications, University of New England, 2011. 157- 158).
2011 “After Breakfast, a one-act play.” Out & Allied: An Anthology of Performance Pieces Written by LGBTQ Youth and Allies, Volume 1. (Portland: Add Verb Publications, University of New England, 2011. 47-53).
2005 “Redressing the Past: The Politics of Early English-Canadian Women’s Drama, 1880-1920.” Rev. of Redressing the Past: The Politics of Early English-Canadian Women’s Drama, 1880-1920by Kym Bird. Theatre Journal 55.2 (May 2005): 325-327.
2003 “such small hands.” Rev. of such small hands by Tina Howe. Theatre Journal 55.4 (Dec. 2003): 702-704.
2000 “The Diary of Anne Frank Study Guide.” Co-author with David Bradley & Leslie Hempling. (Malvern: People’s Light and Theatre Company).
2002 Interview with Tomson Highway. 19 October 2001. Center Stage (Ithaca: Cornell University).
Exhibition/Performance Art Curation
2018-2019 “Music for 150 Carpenters,” Doug Henderson, Berman Museum of Art
Co-Curator with Charles Stainback
Event Moderation
2024-present The Consent Event (annually updated devised piece, multiple authors)
2022-present “Difficult Conversations” Common Intellectual Experience Event (with Sheryl Goodman)
2017-2022 The Consent Event (annually updated devised piece, multiple authors)
Editor Credits
2014 Out & Allied: An Anthology of Performance Pieces Written by LGBTQ Youth and Allies, Volume 2. Co-Editor with Cathy Plourde, Elisa Orme, Jack J. Whelan, & Zabet NeuCollins. (Portland: Add Verb Publications, University of New England, 2014).
2011 Out & Allied: An Anthology of Performance Pieces Written by LGBTQ Youth and Allies, Volume 1. Co-Editor with Cathy Plourde, Sophia Glass, Micah Malenfant, & Emmy Raviv. (Portland: Add Verb Publications, University of New England, 2011).
National & International Conference Presentations
2024 Ursinus College Liberal Education Colloquium (Collegeville, PA), “What should reading do for us?” Session
2020 ATHE (Association for Theatre in Higher Education), Virtual Conference: “The Art of Empathy: 1 Living Newspaper Radio Play Written by 9 Students in 6 States over 5 Weeks during the COVID-19 Pandemic” [Plenary]
2019 ATHE (Orlando, FL): “Lysistrata and #MeToo: Practicing Consent”
2018 Women and Theatre Preconference (Boston, MA): “Feminist Pedagogy: A Tribute to J. Ellen Gainor”
2017 The 47thAnnual Scholars Conference on the Holocaust and Churches (Philadelphia, PA): “In Her Words: Stories of Survival and Resistance” [Keynote Performance]
2016 ATHE (Chicago, Illinois): “Women Without Tenure”
2015 ATHE (Toronto, Canada): “Considerations of Contract Labor: The Changing Landscapes of Academic Employment”
*Cited in:
Theatre Topics’ “ATHE Presidential Address” (March 2016)
2013 ATHE (Orlando, Florida): “Play to Stay: Pedagogical Imperatives to Go Online or Go Home”
2012 ATHE (Washington, D.C.): “Text Analysis: A Textbook-Free Pedagogical Model”
2011 ATHE (Chicago, Illinois): “Assessing the Past, Articulating the Present, Planning for the Future: Mentorship and Community-Based Theatre Organizations”
2011 ATHE (Chicago, Illinois): “Introduction to Theatre Textbooks and Pedagogy”
2009 ATHE (New York, New York): “Resistance Reconsidered: Feminist Theatre and the Challenges of Reception”
2008 ATHE (Denver, Colorado): “Remaking Mimesis: The Future of Feminist Theatre and Performance”
2007 ATHE (New Orleans, Louisiana): “The Future of the ‘F’ Word: Feminist Theatre Scholarship in the 21st Century”
2006 ATHE (Chicago, Illinois): “‘It’s hell to be a woman. But it’s a damned sight worse to be a man’s woman.’: Lesbian Challenges to Domesticity in Broadway Drama of the 1920s”
2006 ATHE (Chicago, Illinois): “Rewriting American GLBT Legacies: Challenges, Results, and Future Directions”
2005 ASTR (American Society for Theatre Research) Toronto, Canada: “Unorthodox Archives, Unconventional History: The Employment of Nontraditional and Multidisciplinary Archives in Writing Lesbian Theatre History”
2005 ASTR (Toronto, Canada): “Writing Lesbian Broadway: The Methodological Challenges of Writing a Politics and History of Lesbianism on Broadway, 1920-1945”
2005 ATHE (San Francisco, California): “Performing the Professor in Queer Studies’ Classrooms”
2005 ATHE (San Francisco, California): “Sapphic Scheming: Villainous Lesbians on Broadway During the 1930s”
2004 ATHE (Toronto, Canada): “Enter the Invert: An Investigation of Lesbianism on Broadway Within the Global Sexological Landscape, 1920-1945”
2004 ATHE (Toronto, Canada): “Sensory Assault: An Ethics of Violence in 20th Century Drama by Women”
2003 ASTR (Durham, North Carolina): “Pedagogy, Theory, & Adaptation:
Perspectives on Teaching Theory History Using Adaptation”
2003 ATHE/AATE Joint Conference (New York, New York): “Excavating Adaptation: The Pedagogy and Performativity of Dramatic Doppelgangers”
Regional Conference Presentations
2013 “Scandalous Modernism: Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring and the Armory Show in Context” Conference (The University of Southern Maine, Gorham, Maine): “Perverse Modernism: Djuna Barnes’ One-Act Play The Dove”
2011 MAEA (Maine Art Educators’ Association) Gorham, ME: “Art Without Borders: The Arts Student as Text Detective”
2005 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Studies’ Quotidian Queerness Conference (Cornell University, Ithaca, New York): “Queer Advertising: The Commodification of Queer Identity in Contemporary American Popular Culture”
2004 14th Annual Central New York Conference on Language and Literature (The State University of New York at Cortland): “Butches, Bitches, and Buggers: Intersections of Queer Pedagogy and Theatre Studies”
2004 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Studies’ Colloquium (Cornell University, Ithaca, New York): “Enter the Invert: An Investigation of Lesbianism on Broadway Within the Global Sexological Landscape, 1920-1945”
2003 13thAnnual Central New York Conference on Language and Literature (The State University of New York at Cortland): “Bridging the Ideological and the Erotic: Reading Lesbian Subjecthood Through Althusser’s Constitution of the Unique and Absolute Subject and Ideological Structures”
Guest Lectures & Panel Discussions
2024 “Directing the World Premiere of Captain Darling.” ENGL 290W: Methods in Literary Studies, Ursinus College
2023 Artists’ Panel. Women, Theatre, and the Holocaust Event. Remember the Women Institute, Marlene
Meyerson JCC Manhattan, & National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene
2022 Artists’ Panel. Women, Theatre, and the Holocaust Event. Virtual Event hosted by the Remember the Women
Institute, Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan, & National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene
2021 “Directing Kate Hamill’s Pride & Prejudice.” ENGL 290W: Methods in Literary Studies, Ursinus College
2021 Artists’ Panel. Women, Theatre, and the Holocaust Event. Virtual Event hosted by the Remember the Women
2019 Artists’ Panel. Women, Theatre, and the Holocaust Event. Remember the Women Institute & Ansche Chesed,
New York City
2018 Artists’ Panel. Women, Theatre, and the Holocaust Event. Ronald Feldman Gallery, New York City
2017 Artists’ Panel. Women, Theatre, and the Holocaust Event. The Center for Jewish History, New York City
2016 Artists’ Panel. Women, Theatre, and the Holocaust Event. The Center for Jewish History, New York City
2015 “Directing Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice.”ENGL 290W: Methods in Literary Studies, Ursinus College
2015 “In the Underworld: Excerpts & A Response.” Women, Theatre, and the Holocaust Event. The Center for Jewish History, New York City
2012 “An Introduction to Acting & Directing.”THE 101: Introduction to Theatre, University of Southern Maine
2010 “Lesbian Villainy on Broadway in the 1920s & 1930s.” ART 311: Gender & Modern Art, University of Southern Maine
2007 “Dramaturgy as Collaboration.”Theatre 101: The Collaborative Art, Temple University
2007 “Script Analysis for Designers.” Theatre 130: Introduction to Design, Ursinus College
2006 “Dramaturgy as Collaboration.”Theatre 101: The Collaborative Art, Temple University
2005 “On Dramaturgy.”Lectures on Theatre, West Chester University
2004 “Sensory Assault: An Ethics of Violence in 20thCentury Drama by Women.” Autumn Lecture Series, Women’s Studies Program: Colgate University
2003 “The HBO Voyeur: The Documentation, Commodification, and ‘Pornofication’ of Sex.” American Studies 202: American Popular Culture, 1950-present; Cornell University
2002 “Directing Antigone.” Theatre 364: Scenic Design Studio, Cornell University
2002 “Broadway Musicals of the 1940s: The Reform or Reinscription of Race and Gender Norms in America?” American Studies 201: American Popular Culture, 1900-1950; Cornell University
2001 “Tomson Highway’s The Rez Sisters in Performance.” Cornell Women’s Club, Cornell University
Guest Workshops
2023 “Spilling the Tea: A Conversation about LGBTQ+ Identities & Culture.” Martin Luther King Diversity
Programming, Kimberton Waldorf High School
2017 “Gender Socialization.” Workshop for Peer Advocates, Ursinus College
2013 “Theatre for Art Educators.”ART 321: Principles and Procedures, University of Southern Maine
2012 “An Adaptation Workshop.”THE 101: Introduction to Theatre, University of Southern Maine
2012 “Theatre for Art Educators.”ART 321: Principles and Procedures, University of Southern Maine
2011 “Theatre Now!: A Workshop on Theatre for Social Change in High School Settings.”Maine Educational Theatre Conference
2011 “Theatre for Art Educators.”ART 321: Principles and Procedures, University of Southern Maine
2010 “The Writer as Performer: A Stonecoast Writers’ Conference Workshop.” Stonecoast Writers’ Conference
2024 Interviewed by New York Times best-selling author of nine books, Lynne Olson for her nonfiction book The
Sisterhood of Ravensbruck, slated for publication in 2025 by Random House
2016 Interviewed with Pulitzer-Prize Winner Paula Vogel by Cornell Professor Sara Warner for Cornell University premiere of Indecent and Inauguration of Klarman Hall
2014 Interviewed by Tom Porter for Maine Things Considered, MPBN (Maine Public Broadcasting Network). Topic: “Holocaust Operetta Makes English Language Debut at USM”
2014 Interviewed by Sadie DuBois for ’MPG Reports, WMPG 90.9FM Maine. Topic: “USM Theatre’s Premiere of the Operetta In the Underworld”
2014 Interviewed by Sam Bullock for ’MPG Reports, WMPG 90.9FM Maine. Topic: “The USM Theater Department is Opening In The Underworld a Darkly Comic Operetta Written by a Holocaust Survivor on April 18th”
2013 Interviewed by Olivia Bradstreet & Iris SanGiovanni for Blunt Youth Radio, WMPG 90.9FM Maine. Topic: “LGBTQIA+ Issues: Interviews with Assistant Professor of Theatre and Women & Gender Studies Faculty Meghan Brodie and Coordinator for Portland Outright Sarah Osgood”
Post-Show & Panel Discussion Moderation
2023 Moderator for Captain Darling post-show discussions, Ursinus College
2023 Post-Show Discussion Guest Speaker for Waiting for Lefty, Quintessence Theatre Group (Philadelphia)
2018 Moderator for Radium Girls post-show discussion, Ursinus College
2017 Moderator for Stop Kiss post-show discussion, Ursinus College
2015 Moderator for Eurydice post-show discussion, Ursinus College
2014 Moderator for The Well of Horniness post-show discussion, University of Southern Maine
2014 Moderator for In the Underworld: A darkly comic operetta post-show discussions, University of Southern Maine
2014 Moderator for Remembering the Holocaust: A Community Discussion, Women & Gender Studies Program,
University of Southern Maine
2013 Moderator for Orlando LGBTQ & Liberal Studies post-show discussions, University of Southern Maine
2012 Moderator for Eurydice post-show discussions, University of Southern Maine
2011 Moderator for Airswimming post-show discussion, University of Southern Maine
2011 Moderator for A View from the Bridge post-show discussion, University of Southern Maine
2009 Moderator for Tea & Sympathy post-show discussion, University of Southern Maine
Professional Memberships
Association for Theatre in Higher Education
Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas
Women and Theatre Program
National & International Scholarly Service
2021-present External Reviewer for Promotion & Tenure Review
2015-present Remember the Women Institute (NYC) Advisory Board Member
2014-present Peer Reviewer for Scholarly Journals
2018-2022 Berman Museum of Art National Advisory Committee Member
2002-2003 Coordinator & Judge, The Jane Chambers National Student Playwriting Competition
Association for Theatre in Higher Education Session Coordination
2016 “Women Without Tenure” (co-coordinator & chair)
2013 “Play to Stay: Pedagogical Imperatives to Go Online or Go Home” (coordinator & chair)
2009 “Resistance Reconsidered: Feminist Theatre and the Challenges of Reception” (co-coordinator)
2008 “Remaking Mimesis: The Future of Feminist Theatre and Performance” (co-coordinator)
2007 “The Future of the ‘F’ Word: Feminist Theatre Scholarship in the 21st Century” (co-coordinator)
2006 “‘Get your own damn dinner!’: Disrupted Domesticity in Greek, Antebellum, and Modern Drama”
2005 “I am my own methodology?: Intersections of Queer Identity, Scholarship, Pedagogy, & Performance”
2005 “Projects of Recovery and Revision: Women in Greek, Antebellum, and Modern Theatre”
2004 “Re/viewing Lesbian In/visibility: Lesbian Bodies in Performance”
2004 “Violations: Women and Violence in American, Irish, and Greek Drama”
2003 “Doing, Changing, Engaging: Perspectives on Adaptation”